Who and Why

Who I am:

(Let’s be real the only people who will actually read this will know me very well… )

My name is Marisa.  I am a 23 year old Kindergarten teacher, who currently resides in Denver, Colorado.  I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a Minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.  I believe in peace through empowerment.  I have a passion for justice in all aspects but specifically for the rights of Women and Girls (feminism), and in the much needed change in the field of education.

Why this blog exists:

Honest answer.. I want/need more practice writing

Selfish answer… I am always looking for ways to start necessary and uncomfortable dialogue, conversation that does not take place  as much as it should but is crucial to help educate people and progress our society forward.  I also have some pretty funny stories to tell and want to remember what my life was like in 10 years.

The posts on this blog will be totally random and range from a wide variety of topics.

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